Unmasking Greenwashing in the Polymer Industry: The Battle for Authentic Sustainability

In the polymer industry, "greenwashing" has become a growing concern as companies misleadingly present their products as environmentally friendly. This blog post explores the multifaceted issue of greenwashing in the polymer industry, shedding light on the misleading practices employed. From false claims of biodegradability to vague recycled content declarations and dubious sustainability certifications, greenwashing erodes consumer trust and complicates waste management. It can hinder the progress of genuinely sustainable practices and innovations. However, empowered consumers and strengthened regulatory oversight are shaping a more transparent future. Informed consumers demand authenticity and leverage social media to expose deceptive practices, while regulatory bodies and industry organizations set standards and penalties. To move towards authentic environmental responsibility, the polymer industry must prioritize sincerity, transparency, and a true commitment to reducing its ecological footprint.


Dr. Pravin G. Kadam

11/3/20238 min read


In today's world, where environmental consciousness and sustainability are paramount, the term "greenwashing" has emerged as a critical concern. Greenwashing entails the deceptive practice of portraying a product or organization as environmentally friendly when, in reality, it does not meet authentic sustainability standards. In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of polymers and explore the deeply concerning issue of greenwashing within the polymer industry. Our journey will encompass the various facets of greenwashing, its impact on the polymer industry, and the imperative for genuine environmental responsibility.

The Polymer Industry and the Call for Sustainability

The polymer industry is a vast landscape encompassing a diverse array of materials that are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Plastics, in particular, have a pervasive presence in industries such as packaging, construction, automotive, and electronics. Yet, the production and disposal of polymers have catalyzed environmental concerns, impelling the industry to reevaluate and address its ecological footprint.

The Imperative of Sustainability

As environmental awareness and concerns about ecological challenges have surged, industries, including polymers, are under mounting pressure to transition towards eco-friendly alternatives and substantiate their claims of environmental responsibility. This transformation is not merely an option; it's a necessity driven by a global awareness of the environmental challenges we face.

Unveiling the Phenomenon of Greenwashing

Greenwashing has emerged as a formidable issue as companies seek to project their products and practices as environmentally conscious, often employing deceptive or exaggerated claims. In the polymer industry, greenwashing can manifest in diverse ways:

  1. Biodegradability: Misleading Claims

One of the most prevalent forms of greenwashing revolves around the labeling of plastics as "biodegradable" or "compostable" without robust evidence to validate such claims. This deceptive practice can mislead consumers and have adverse consequences for waste management and recycling systems.

To better understand the gravity of this issue, consider the example of a common plastic bag. A manufacturer might label it as "100% biodegradable" and "eco-friendly." Yet, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that these bags only partially biodegrade under specific, controlled conditions – not the typical conditions found in landfills or the environment. The misleading claim undermines the integrity of the product and can lead to misguided consumer choices, perpetuating an unsustainable cycle.

  1. Recycled Content Claims: A Lack of Transparency

Several companies boast about their products containing "recycled content" without divulging the precise percentage or the origin of the recycled materials. This lack of transparency can mislead consumers and undermine earnest efforts to promote recycling.

For instance, a manufacturer might proudly label their plastic product as "made with recycled content." However, upon scrutiny, the consumer discovers that the company does not specify the percentage of recycled materials used, nor do they disclose the sources of these materials. Without this vital information, it becomes challenging for consumers to make informed choices and for regulators to validate the authenticity of these claims.

  1. Sustainability Certifications: Lack of Substantiation

Companies may flaunt their products as "certified sustainable" without offering unequivocal evidence to support such claims. These certifications, if not independently verified, can mislead consumers and erode their trust.

For example, an industry player might prominently display a logo on their polymer product packaging, indicating that it is "certified sustainable." However, upon investigation, it is discovered that the certification lacks adequate substantiation and may not align with universally recognized sustainability standards. This dissonance between claims and reality underscores the need for standardized, trustworthy certifications in the polymer industry.

  1. Misleading Environmental Branding

Greenwashing can even permeate the packaging of products. Some packaging materials may project an environmentally friendly image through design or color, despite the materials used not being sustainable.

Consider a polymer product that comes in packaging adorned with natural landscapes, images of greenery, and earthy tones, all designed to evoke a sense of environmental consciousness. However, a closer inspection reveals that the packaging material itself is non-recyclable and contributes to excess waste. This incongruity between packaging aesthetics and the environmental impact of the material raises questions about the authenticity of the product's sustainability claims.

The Industrial Ramifications of Greenwashing

Greenwashing in the polymer industry bears significant consequences. It erodes consumer trust, obstructs genuine sustainability initiatives, and can inflict damage to the reputation of companies that engage in deceptive practices. The practice further complicates waste management and recycling systems and may hinder the development of sustainable alternatives.

Consumer trust, once eroded, is challenging to rebuild. When individuals discover that they have been misled by greenwashing claims, they become skeptical not only of the specific product but of the industry as a whole. This skepticism can hinder the progress of genuinely sustainable products and practices in the polymer sector.

Furthermore, greenwashing introduces complexity into waste management and recycling systems. Materials that are falsely labeled as "biodegradable" or "compostable" can contaminate waste streams and disrupt the recycling process. Additionally, when consumers are unsure about the authenticity of claims, they may inadvertently dispose of products in a manner that is not aligned with the product's actual environmental impact.

The detrimental effects of greenwashing extend beyond consumer trust and waste management. The polymer industry is under constant pressure to innovate and develop sustainable alternatives. When deceptive practices dominate, it hinders the progress toward genuinely eco-friendly solutions.

Empowering Informed Consumers and Regulatory Oversight

As consumers become increasingly informed and vigilant, they are scrutinizing product claims and demanding transparency from companies. Social media platforms and online forums serve as powerful tools for raising awareness and holding businesses accountable for their greenwashing practices.

Simultaneously, regulatory bodies and industry organizations are stepping up to address the issue of greenwashing. They are implementing regulations and standards to ensure that environmental claims are accurate, transparent, and substantiated. These measures are crucial for safeguarding the integrity of the industry and protecting consumers from deceptive practices.

The importance of consumer awareness cannot be overstated. When consumers educate themselves and critically evaluate product claims, they become powerful advocates for change. Social media platforms provide a space for sharing discoveries, exposing deceptive practices, and holding companies accountable for their greenwashing efforts.

In parallel, regulatory bodies play a pivotal role in shaping the industry's integrity. They establish guidelines for accurate environmental claims, enforce these guidelines, and impose penalties on companies that engage in deceptive practices. Moreover, industry organizations are increasingly collaborating to set standardized sustainability criteria, ensuring that certifications are both meaningful and trustworthy.

Regulatory Bodies in India

In India, regulatory bodies play a crucial role in controlling greenwashing in the polymer industry to ensure transparency and environmental responsibility. Some of the key regulatory bodies and organizations include:

  1. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS): BIS is a national standards body that develops and maintains standards for various products, including plastics and polymers. They provide guidelines and certifications to ensure that products meet specific quality and sustainability criteria.

  2. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB): The CPCB is responsible for enforcing environmental regulations and standards. They monitor and regulate the release of pollutants, including those from plastic production and disposal, to protect the environment.

  3. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC): MoEFCC sets policies and regulations related to environmental protection. They work to ensure that the polymer industry adheres to sustainable practices and that greenwashing is curtailed.

  4. Consumer Protection Organizations: Various consumer protection organizations, both at the national and state levels, actively engage in scrutinizing and raising awareness about deceptive marketing practices in the polymer industry. They often collaborate with regulatory bodies to address greenwashing concerns.

  5. Indian Plastic Manufacturers' Associations: Industry associations, such as the All India Plastics Manufacturers' Association (AIPMA), often work in tandem with regulatory bodies to establish industry standards and self-regulation practices that prevent greenwashing.

  6. Competition Commission of India (CCI): CCI ensures fair competition and monitors anti-competitive practices in various industries, including plastics and polymers. They play a role in ensuring that misleading marketing practices do not undermine fair competition.

These regulatory bodies and organizations work collectively to promote transparency, authenticity, and sustainability within the polymer industry in India. They set standards, enforce regulations, and educate both businesses and consumers on the importance of responsible and honest environmental claims.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Several Indian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are actively working on issues related to greenwashing in the polymer industry. These NGOs focus on raising awareness, advocating for sustainable practices, and holding businesses accountable for their environmental claims. Some of the prominent NGOs in India working in this field include:

  1. Toxics Link: Toxics Link is an environmental NGO that addresses a wide range of environmental issues, including plastics and polymers. They conduct research, advocacy, and public awareness campaigns to combat greenwashing and promote sustainable practices within the industry.

  2. Centre for Science and Environment (CSE): CSE is a research and advocacy organization that works on environmental and sustainability issues. They have been actively involved in raising awareness about plastic pollution and the need for genuine environmental claims in the polymer sector.

  3. The Other Media: This organization focuses on environmental and social issues, including plastics and polymers. They publish reports and engage in advocacy efforts to combat greenwashing and promote sustainability.

  4. Consumer Education and Research Society (CERS): CERS is dedicated to consumer protection and education. They work to empower consumers with knowledge about greenwashing and deceptive marketing practices in the polymer industry.

  5. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI): TERI conducts research on various environmental issues, including sustainable plastics and polymers. They work to ensure that businesses adopt transparent and environmentally responsible practices.

  6. Society for Clean Environment (SOCLEEN): SOCLEEN is a Gujarat-based organization that focuses on environmental issues, including plastic pollution and misleading environmental claims. They raise awareness and engage in advocacy efforts to combat greenwashing.

These NGOs play a crucial role in India by advocating for transparency, sustainability, and accountability within the polymer industry. They work to educate consumers, collaborate with regulatory authorities, and encourage businesses to adopt environmentally responsible practices while discouraging greenwashing.

ASTM / ISO / BIS Standards

There are several standards provided by organizations like ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) that can help address and prevent polymer greenwashing by setting clear guidelines and requirements for sustainable and environmentally responsible practices. These standards include:

  1. ASTM D6866-20: This ASTM standard measures the biogenic carbon content of plastics and other materials. It helps in verifying the biodegradability claims of polymer products and can prevent false claims of being environmentally friendly.

  2. BIS IS 17088:2019: This Bureau of Indian Standards standard specifies the requirements for biodegradable plastics and their products. It sets the criteria for testing and labeling of biodegradable plastics, helping prevent deceptive claims.

  3. ISO 14021:2016: This ISO standard provides guidelines for self-declared environmental claims, including those made by polymer manufacturers. It helps ensure that environmental claims are accurate, transparent, and substantiated.

  4. ASTM D7611-20: This ASTM standard specifies the requirements for labeling of plastics products to denote whether or not the product is made from post-consumer recycled materials. This standard helps in verifying claims related to recycled content in polymer products.

  5. BIS IS 15801:2010: This Bureau of Indian Standards standard outlines guidelines for plastics recycling symbols. It helps in clarifying the use of symbols on plastics to inform consumers and avoid misleading claims about recyclability.

  6. ISO 14024:2018: This ISO standard sets criteria for Type I environmental labeling, which can be used to certify environmental claims on products, including polymers. It helps in ensuring that such claims are based on rigorous assessment and verification.

These standards provide a framework for authentic and reliable environmental claims in the polymer industry, helping to prevent greenwashing practices. Complying with these standards can enhance the credibility of businesses and products in the market.


In a world where environmental concerns continue to mount, authenticity in environmental responsibility is not merely an option—it is an imperative. The polymer industry, like every other industry, has a profound duty to uphold the integrity of its environmental claims and practices. To achieve this, it must unmask greenwashing, embrace genuine sustainability, and ensure that its products and practices align with the growing call for authentic environmental responsibility.









