Plastic and EVMs: The Surprising Connection in India's Electoral Process

Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have revolutionized India's electoral process, but they also have a surprising connection to plastic. While actual EVMs are designed to be tamper-proof and secure, plastic demo EVMs are used for educational and training purposes. These models closely resemble real EVMs, helping voters, poll workers, and political parties understand the machines' functioning. The use of EVMs saves millions of trees that would have been used for paper ballots, reducing deforestation and carbon footprint. Despite controversies, the Election Commission of India has taken steps to enhance transparency, such as introducing Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) systems. The connection between plastic and EVMs serves an important purpose in engaging the public in the democratic process.


Dr. Pravin G. Kadam

4/26/20243 min read

In India's vibrant democracy, the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) has become an integral part of the electoral process. These sophisticated devices, designed to record and count votes electronically, have revolutionized the way elections are conducted in the country. However, what many people may not know is that plastic also plays a role in the world of EVMs, albeit in a different capacity.

The Plastic Demo EVMs

While actual EVMs used in elections do not contain significant amounts of plastic, there are plastic models available for educational and training purposes. These plastic demo EVMs closely resemble their electronic counterparts, providing an authentic visual representation for demonstrations and familiarizing people with the appearance and functioning of the machines.

These plastic models serve as valuable tools for the Election Commission of India (ECI) to educate voters, poll workers, and political parties about the EVM system. By using these models, the ECI can ensure that everyone involved in the electoral process understands how to operate the machines and what to expect on election day.

The plastic demo EVMs are designed to mimic the size, shape, and layout of actual EVMs, making them an effective tool for hands-on training. They often include features such as buttons, lights, and a display screen to simulate the experience of using a real EVM. These models are typically made from durable, high-quality plastic materials that can withstand repeated use and transportation.

So while the exact plastics are not specified, plastic demo EVMs are likely made from durable, commonly used plastics suitable for manufacturing replicas, such as acrylic, polycarbonate, nylon, or one of the top five consumed plastic types (HDPE, PP, PVC, PS or PET). The plastics are chosen to provide an authentic look and feel while being cost-effective and able to withstand repeated handling.

The Environmental Impact of EVMs

One of the most significant advantages of using EVMs is their positive impact on the environment. The use of EVMs ends up saving millions of trees that would have been used for paper ballots. This not only reduces deforestation but also minimizes the carbon footprint associated with the production and transportation of paper ballots.

Moreover, the chips used in actual EVMs are source coded in India, ensuring that the machines are tamper-proof and secure. This level of security and transparency is crucial in maintaining the integrity of India's elections and building trust in the electoral process.

The EVM system has also contributed to reducing the amount of paper waste generated during elections. With the elimination of paper ballots, there is less need for printing, distributing, and storing large quantities of paper materials. This not only saves resources but also reduces the environmental impact of waste disposal.

Addressing Concerns and Moving Forward

While the EVM system has faced some controversies regarding transparency and security concerns, the ECI has taken steps to address these issues. The introduction of Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) systems has been a significant step in this direction, providing a physical record of each vote cast.

The VVPAT system works in conjunction with EVMs, providing a paper slip that displays the voter's choice. This slip is then dropped into a sealed box, allowing for a manual recount if necessary. The implementation of VVPAT has enhanced the transparency and accountability of the EVM system, addressing concerns about the reliability of electronic voting.

As India continues to embrace technology in its electoral process, it is essential to strike a balance between innovation and security. The use of plastic demo EVMs for educational purposes and the implementation of robust security measures in actual EVMs are crucial steps in this direction.


In conclusion, the connection between plastic and EVMs in India's electoral process may seem surprising, but it serves an important purpose in educating and engaging the public in the democratic process. As the country moves forward, it is essential to continue exploring ways to enhance the security and transparency of the EVM system while minimizing its environmental impact. The use of plastic demo EVMs and the adoption of measures like VVPAT demonstrate the ECI's commitment to ensuring free, fair, and accessible elections for all citizens of India.
