India's Plastic Neutrality Movement

In a groundbreaking shift towards sustainability, leading Indian companies such as Dabur, Procter & Gamble India, and Godrej Consumer are spearheading the plastic neutrality movement. Dabur made history in 2022 as India's first plastic waste-neutral company, while P&G India achieved certification for the fiscal year 2021-22. Godrej Consumer commits to reducing packaging consumption by FY25. Despite commendable efforts, the concept of plastic neutrality in India faces regulatory uncertainties. As these pioneers navigate challenges, transparency and accountability emerge as critical factors. Their endeavors set the stage for a broader corporate commitment to mitigating the environmental impact of plastic consumption.


Dr. Pravin G. Kadam

1/13/20242 min read

In a world grappling with the environmental impact of plastic waste, a new paradigm is emerging in India. Some of the country's prominent companies are taking a bold step toward sustainability by achieving plastic neutrality. This blog post explores the groundbreaking initiatives of companies such as Dabur, Procter & Gamble India, and Godrej Consumer in their quest to balance the scales of plastic consumption and conservation. However, it's essential to navigate through the nuances of "plastic neutrality" and acknowledge the evolving regulatory landscape in India.

Understanding Plastic Neutrality

Plastic neutrality is a concept gaining traction in corporate sustainability efforts. Unlike plastic reduction or recycling, plastic neutrality involves compensating for the amount of plastic a company produces by removing or recycling an equivalent amount from the environment. Achieving plastic neutrality requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses the entire lifecycle of plastic, from production to disposal.

Companies Leading the Plastic Neutrality Charge

Dabur: Pioneering Change in 2022

Dabur made history in 2022 by becoming India's first plastic waste-neutral company. The company's commitment extends beyond mere reduction efforts; it involves collecting, processing, and recycling an amount of packaging equivalent to what it sells. This comprehensive approach sets a benchmark for others in the industry.

Procter & Gamble India: Certified Plastic Waste-Neutral

The Indian arm of Procter & Gamble (P&G) received certification as a "plastic waste-neutral" entity for the fiscal year 2021-22. This acknowledgment reflects P&G's dedication to addressing its plastic footprint through innovative initiatives and responsible waste management practices.

Godrej Consumer: A Commitment to Plastic Neutrality

Godrej Consumer has embraced plastic neutrality, emphasizing a reduction in packaging consumption per unit of production by FY25. This commitment underscores the company's recognition of the urgency to implement sustainable practices and reduce its overall environmental impact.

Challenges and Uncertainties in the Pursuit of Plastic Neutrality

While these achievements are commendable, it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the concept of plastic neutrality in India. The regulatory framework is still evolving, and enforcement agencies face limitations in ensuring the stringent implementation of measures. The lack of standardized definitions and metrics for plastic neutrality can lead to varying interpretations and hinder a clear understanding of companies' claims.

The Path Forward: Navigating Regulatory Landscapes

As companies forge ahead on the path to plastic neutrality, the regulatory landscape in India is gradually catching up. The government's focus on environmental sustainability and waste management is reflected in evolving policies. However, challenges persist in enforcing measures, and there is a need for greater regulatory clarity and authority to ensure that companies uphold their commitments.

The Importance of Transparency and Accountability

In the absence of a standardized framework for plastic neutrality, transparency and accountability become paramount. Companies must communicate their strategies, progress, and challenges openly. Collaborations with environmental organizations, adherence to global best practices, and third-party certifications can enhance the credibility of their efforts.


The journey toward plastic neutrality is an evolving narrative in India's corporate landscape. Dabur, Procter & Gamble India, and Godrej Consumer are trailblazers, setting examples for responsible and sustainable business practices. As these companies navigate the complexities of plastic neutrality, it becomes imperative for others to join the movement. The concept may still be in its infancy, but with increasing awareness, collaborative efforts, and a robust regulatory framework, plastic neutrality can emerge as a cornerstone in India's sustainability journey. As consumers, advocates, and businesses unite, the vision of a plastic-neutral future may well become a reality.
