Emergence of Plastic Waste-Neutral Companies

The blog post explores the emergence of plastic waste-neutral companies in India. These companies are at the forefront of a sustainability revolution, committed not only to reducing their plastic footprint but actively offsetting their plastic waste impact on the environment. They operate based on three core principles: waste reduction, recycling, and offsetting initiatives. These companies focus on optimizing product designs, promoting the use of recycled materials, and investing in recycling infrastructure. They actively engage with communities and support environmental conservation efforts. Metrics and reporting are vital to measuring their progress. The journey to plastic waste neutrality involves assessing current plastic usage, setting reduction targets, and investing in recycling infrastructure and offset initiatives. Several prominent Indian conglomerates and organizations, such as Reliance Industries, Tata Group, and Hindustan Unilever Limited, have made significant commitments in this regard. Consultancy firms like EY, KPMG India, and Deloitte India also play a pivotal role in assisting companies to achieve sustainability and plastic neutrality goals.


Dr. Pravin G. Kadam

11/6/20238 min read


In today's world, environmental responsibility is becoming increasingly vital, and a new generation of companies is taking the lead in addressing one of the most pressing global issues—plastic pollution. These companies are at the forefront of a transformative movement known as plastic waste neutrality, a concept that's gaining momentum. Plastic waste-neutral companies are distinguished by their commitment not only to reducing their plastic footprint but also actively offsetting their plastic waste impact on the environment. In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into what it means to be a plastic waste-neutral company, the strategies and initiatives that guide their actions, and the potential for positive change in our environment.

What is a Plastic Waste-Neutral Company?

A plastic waste-neutral company is an organization that takes a holistic approach to corporate sustainability, going beyond the traditional practices of plastic reduction and recycling. These companies operate on three core principles:

  1. Waste Reduction:
    Plastic waste-neutral companies strive to minimize their plastic consumption. This involves product redesign, optimized packaging, and the adoption of sustainable materials to reduce their plastic footprint.

  2. Recycling and Circular Economy:
    These companies actively participate in recycling and promote a circular economy. They invest in recycling infrastructure, use recycled materials in their products, and support innovative recycling technologies.

  3. Offsetting Initiatives:
    The heart of plastic waste neutrality is in offsetting. Companies engage in efforts to actively remove plastic waste from the environment or support initiatives that promote responsible plastic waste management and recycling.

Strategies and Initiatives of Plastic Waste-Neutral Companies

  1. Waste Reduction and Optimization:

Companies dedicated to plastic waste neutrality initiate their journey by identifying areas where plastic usage can be reduced:

  • Product Redesign: They modify products and packaging to use less plastic, incorporating eco-friendly and lightweight materials.

  • Sustainable Alternatives: Exploring alternative materials to replace plastic in certain applications, such as biodegradable materials or recycled plastics.

  • Sourcing Responsibly: Procuring materials and products that are produced with minimal plastic content or that are made from recycled plastics.

  • Education and Awareness: Companies often undertake awareness campaigns and initiatives to educate both their employees and consumers about responsible plastic usage.

  1. Recycling and Circular Economy:

Achieving plastic waste neutrality also involves active participation in recycling and promoting a circular economy:

  • Recycling Programs: Companies set up their recycling programs, ensuring that plastic waste generated within their operations is collected, sorted, and recycled effectively.

  • Use of Recycled Materials: Incorporating recycled plastics into products and packaging, thereby reducing the demand for virgin plastics.

  • Investing in Recycling Technologies: Supporting research and development in advanced recycling technologies, such as chemical recycling and material recovery.

  • Supporting Sustainable Practices: Beyond their own operations, these companies often support and promote recycling initiatives in their supply chain and communities.

  1. Offset Initiatives:

The heart of plastic waste neutrality lies in offsetting initiatives, which can take various forms:

  • Plastic Collection and Removal: Investing in or collaborating with organizations that actively remove plastic waste from natural environments, such as beaches, rivers, and oceans.

  • Supporting Recycling Infrastructure: Funding the development and improvement of recycling infrastructure, including recycling centers and collection systems.

  • Recycling Programs: Contributing to recycling programs and initiatives that promote responsible plastic waste management and recycling.

  • Environmental Conservation: Participating in initiatives that protect and conserve natural environments, indirectly reducing the likelihood of plastic pollution.

  • Community Engagement: Engaging local communities to raise awareness and actively participate in plastic waste management and recycling.

The Impact of Plastic Waste-Neutral Companies

By adopting the principles of plastic waste neutrality, companies can achieve significant environmental and societal benefits:

  1. Reduced Plastic Pollution: Plastic waste-neutral companies actively contribute to reducing plastic pollution in natural environments, safeguarding marine life and ecosystems.

  2. Circular Economy Promotion: Through recycling and the use of recycled materials, these companies promote a circular economy, reducing the need for new plastic production.

  3. Community Involvement: Engaging with local communities and organizations fosters environmental awareness and encourages responsible plastic waste management.

  4. Environmental Responsibility: Plastic waste-neutral companies not only meet regulatory requirements but also demonstrate their commitment to the environment, improving their public image.

  5. Cost Reduction: By optimizing their plastic usage, investing in recycling, and reducing waste, companies often experience cost savings in addition to their positive environmental impact.

Measuring Success: Metrics and Reporting

Plastic waste-neutral companies use a range of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their progress. These metrics often include:

  1. Plastic Reduction Rate: Measuring the percentage reduction in plastic usage compared to baseline levels.

  2. Recycled Content Ratio: Calculating the proportion of recycled materials used in products and packaging.

  3. Waste Collection Metrics: Tracking the volume of plastic waste collected, processed, and recycled.

  4. Carbon Offset Achievements: Measuring the reduction in carbon emissions associated with plastic waste management and offsetting initiatives.

  5. Community and Environmental Impact: Assessing the positive impact on local communities and natural environments through plastic waste collection and recycling programs.

  6. Environmental Reporting: Regularly publishing sustainability reports that detail efforts, progress, and goals in the journey towards plastic waste neutrality.

The Journey Towards Plastic Waste Neutrality

Plastic waste neutrality is a journey that requires dedication and commitment. Companies that choose to embrace this approach embark on a path of continuous improvement. To reach plastic waste neutrality, several key steps are involved:

  1. Assess Current Plastic Footprint
    The first step is to conduct a thorough assessment of the company's current plastic usage. This includes evaluating the types and amounts of plastics used, as well as their sources within the organization.

  2. Set Reduction Targets
    Based on the assessment, companies set specific reduction targets. These targets should be ambitious yet achievable and serve as a roadmap for reducing plastic consumption.

  3. Rethink Product Design
    Many plastic waste-neutral companies focus on product redesign. They explore alternative materials, lighter packaging, and innovative solutions to minimize plastic usage.

  4. Invest in Recycling Infrastructure
    To actively participate in recycling and the circular economy, companies invest in recycling infrastructure. This includes setting up recycling programs within their operations and supporting external recycling initiatives.

  5. Support Offset Initiatives
    Offsetting is a crucial component of plastic waste neutrality. Companies actively participate in offset initiatives, contributing to plastic collection, recycling, and environmental conservation efforts.

  6. Engage with Communities: 
    Community engagement is often an essential aspect of plastic waste neutrality. Companies collaborate with local communities, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders to drive change.

  7. Measure Progress and Report
    Regular monitoring and reporting are key to tracking progress and ensuring transparency. Companies use metrics and KPIs to evaluate their performance and communicate their efforts to stakeholders.

Indian Companies which have Committed to become Plastic Waste Neutral:

Several Indian companies and organizations had made commitments to address plastic waste and work toward becoming plastic waste-neutral or reducing their plastic footprint. Please note that the status of these commitments may have evolved since then. Here are some Indian companies and organizations that were actively involved in addressing plastic waste:

  • Reliance Industries Limited: One of India's largest conglomerates, Reliance, had taken initiatives to reduce its plastic waste footprint and invest in recycling technologies.

  • Tata Group: The Tata Group, another major Indian conglomerate, had been actively working on reducing its plastic usage and promoting responsible waste management practices.

  • Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL): HUL, a subsidiary of Unilever, had made significant commitments to reduce its plastic footprint and increase the use of recycled plastics in its packaging.

  • ITC Limited: ITC had been involved in initiatives to reduce plastic usage and increase the use of sustainable materials in its products and packaging.

  • Mahindra Group: The Mahindra Group had been engaged in various sustainability efforts, including addressing plastic waste and promoting recycling.

  • Aditya Birla Group: Aditya Birla Group, a conglomerate with diverse businesses, had been focusing on sustainability, which includes reducing its plastic footprint.

  • Infosys: The IT giant Infosys had been working on sustainable practices, including minimizing plastic waste within its operations.

  • HCL Technologies: HCL Technologies had been committed to sustainable practices and reducing its environmental impact, which includes addressing plastic waste.

  • Biocon: Biocon, a biopharmaceutical company, had been involved in sustainability efforts, including addressing plastic waste generated in its operations.

  • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS): TCS, a leading IT services company, had initiatives related to sustainability and reducing its plastic footprint.

Success Stories:

  • Dabur became India's first plastic waste-neutral company in February 2022. The Ayurveda products maker collected, processed, and recycled around 27,000 MT of post-consumer plastic waste from all over India in the 2021-22 financial year

  • Procter & Gamble (P&G) India became plastic waste neutral between April 2021 and March 2022. The company recycled 100% of post-consumer plastic packaging waste, collecting and processing over 19,000 metric tonnes. This was more than the amount of plastic packaging in its products sold in a year.

  • Amway India, a direct selling company, has become "Pre- and Post-Consumer Plastic Waste Neutral". Amway India has collected and recycled 800 metric tonnes of post-consumer plastic waste. The company also reduces packaging waste by regrinding and reusing manufacturing scrap from its plastic bottle manufacturing lines.

Consultancy Firms Actively Involved in Assisting Companies to become Plastic Waste Neutral

In India, several consultancy firms and organizations have been actively involved in assisting companies and businesses in their efforts to reduce plastic waste, adopt sustainable practices, and work toward becoming plastic-neutral. These consultancy firms often provide expertise, guidance, and solutions to help companies meet their sustainability goals. Some of the prominent Indian consultancy firms in this domain include:

  • EY (Ernst & Young): EY offers sustainability and environmental advisory services to companies looking to reduce their plastic footprint and enhance their environmental practices.

  • KPMG India: KPMG provides sustainability and climate risk advisory services to help organizations adopt eco-friendly and sustainable practices, which may include reducing plastic usage.

  • Deloitte India: Deloitte offers sustainability and corporate responsibility services to assist companies in developing and implementing strategies for responsible plastic management.

  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) India: PwC provides sustainability and environmental consulting services to support companies in their journey toward sustainable and responsible plastic usage.

  • Frost & Sullivan: Frost & Sullivan offers market research and consulting services that help businesses identify opportunities and challenges related to sustainable practices, including plastic waste reduction.

  • Tata Strategic Management Group (TSMG): As part of the Tata Group, TSMG provides strategic management and consulting services, helping businesses within the group and beyond in adopting sustainable practices.

  • Aditya Birla Management Corporation Pvt. Ltd. (ABMCPL): ABMCPL, part of the Aditya Birla Group, offers advisory and consultancy services to assist businesses in the group and beyond in achieving sustainability and environmental goals.

  • Mahindra Susten: Mahindra Susten, a subsidiary of the Mahindra Group, focuses on sustainability and provides consulting services to help businesses adopt sustainable practices, which may include reducing plastic waste.

These consultancy firms and organizations offer a range of services, including sustainability assessments, strategy development, implementation support, and performance monitoring to help companies reduce their plastic footprint and work toward plastic neutrality.

Please note that the involvement of consultancy firms in assisting companies with sustainability and plastic waste reduction may vary, and businesses may choose to work with different consultants based on their specific needs and goals.


In conclusion, the rise of plastic waste-neutral companies in India signifies a transformative shift towards environmental responsibility and sustainability. These companies are not merely reacting to the plastic pollution crisis but proactively addressing it. By adhering to the principles of waste reduction, recycling, and offsetting initiatives, they're making a tangible impact on plastic pollution and promoting a circular economy.

The commitment of prominent Indian conglomerates and organizations, coupled with the guidance of consultancy firms, underscores the collective determination to reduce plastic waste and minimize its environmental impact. As these companies take substantial steps, they set an inspiring example for others to follow, fostering a culture of responsible plastic management and conservation.

The journey towards plastic waste neutrality is an ongoing one, demanding continuous dedication and innovation. With metrics and reporting guiding their progress, these companies are actively contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future. The vision of a plastic waste-neutral India is not only possible but within reach, as we all play our part in combating plastic pollution and ensuring a healthier planet for generations to come.
